As DApps are distributed and do not rely on one single server, there is no central point of failure. DApps allow the data that is stored in them to be decentralized across all its nodes. These nodes are independent of each other. In case of failure of one node, the other nodes wont be affected and will run on the network according to it.
Decentralized applications mainly work on a peer-to-peer (P2P) model, which means that the nodes are directly connected to each other. In a DApp, a transaction is made through a consensus mechanism. When the majority of the nodes approve the transaction, it goes on and gets processed. Also, the validators of the network are stimulated by rewarding them in the form of cryptographic tokens.
Dapp is a decentralized and open-source application. A DApp makes a new structure for business practices as it allows all the network participants to keep track of the happenings rather than one individual. They are made through autonomy and any changes in the DApp are decided through the consensus (the majority of users).
These dApps have their own blockchain, for example, Bitcoin. Other alternative cryptocurrencies with their own blockchain also fall under this category.
This breed of dApps leverages the blockchain of mainnet dApps. These decentralized apps are protocols and have tokens necessary for their functioning. The Omni Protocol is the best example of a protocol decentralized application. Omni is a distributed trading platform developed on top of the Bitcoin blockchain as a ‘layer’ to facilitate ‘peerless, trustless, and effortless’ exchange of assets or value between parties without involving middlemen.
Network dApps use the protocol of the protocol decentralized application. The SAFE Network (Secure Access for Everyone) is an example of this class of dApps. It is a decentralized data storage and communications network that replaces data centers and servers with the additional computing resources of its users. It is an autonomous data network that enables the creation of censorship-resistant websites and applications. It leverages the Omni Protocol for issuing SafeCoins that are then used to allow for its functional aspects.